Gershon F Saffa Board Chairman

Gershon holds a Bachelors with Honours degree in Civil Engineering (USL), a Masters degree in Development Management (USL) and a (Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply) CIPS, UK member and a corporate member of the Sierra Leone Institute of Engineers. He has over 12 years’ experience with World Bank (IDA), African Development Bank (AfDB), the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), the Saudi Fund for Development (SDF), OPEC Fund for International Development (OFID) and The Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) procurement processes amongst others in Procurement of Works, Goods and Equipment, Consultancy Services and Non-Consultancy Services, Logistics, Supply Chain Management & General Administration & Leadership. He has the ability to address broad procurement issues at sector/country level.

Gershon has proven ability to conceptualize, design and implement major projects and to promote client commitment to ensuring implementation and longer-term sustainability of projects/programs. He has an experience in negotiating contracts with service providers like (Suppliers/Contractors/Consultants) and sub project implementing partners (IP’s) and also managing Contracts, monitoring, and evaluating key performance indicators of contractors, suppliers, Consultants and Non –consulting services.